那一年,我們一起旅行的義大利景點。 回憶中的青春旅行。威尼斯 Venice、佛羅倫斯 Firenze、西恩納 Siena、聖吉米尼亞諾 San Gimignano 

那一年,我們一起旅行的義大利景點。 回憶中的青春旅行。威尼斯 Venice、佛羅倫斯 Firenze、西恩納 Siena、聖吉米尼亞諾 San Gimignano 


在那個沒有Google Map,網路資訊也不發達的年代,YS靠著去圖書館借的旅行工具書,幫我們找到了超棒的住宿和餐廳,在佛羅倫斯我們住的地方就在聖母百花教堂的轉角而已,而且印象中房間很大很好,我超佩服她。我記得她跟我說: “我喜歡在規劃旅行的時候,就已經開始旅行了的感覺” ,就是這句話啟發了開始規劃自己的旅行,並且從此愛上自己規劃旅行的感覺。❤


從機場直接搭火車到威尼斯,YS千交代萬交代火車從海上進入威尼斯的時候很漂亮,叫我們認真看不要睡覺,可是天氣不好下大雨,我也沒有拍照。到威尼斯的時候大雨似乎是稍微停歇了一下,我還記得 Clavin和Polk這兩枚小朋友,跟我們說他們到的時候下雨有多狼狽的事。
Update: Clavin補充了三個超好笑的故事:
1. Polk一到威尼斯就發現相機電池沒帶, 打開行李箱還發現他的龍角散爆開,整個行李箱都是龍角散。
2. 接著Clavin去火車站要接我們到公寓,半路下起莫名的豪雨, 路上(沒雨具)買東西的人群瞬間閃到二旁的屋簷下, 只剩下, 穿著台灣25NT簡便雨衣的Clavin,  低著頭急行在路中間, 詭異地畫面,  不知為何二旁屋簷下的人突然為他喝采,  在不好意思與沾沾自喜這台灣來的好產品的情境下,  突然下一秒, 穿著拖鞋的Clavin 就突然跌個狗吃屎, 很丟臉. (我隱約記得很精彩,而且是跟塑膠袋雨衣和跌倒有關,果然很精彩XD,而且原來只有Clavin一個人跌倒,我誤會Polk了:P)
3. Polk充電怎麼充都充不飽的白目故事,那個忘了帶電池的polk, 拿新買的相機電池給店家充電,回去拿相機要付錢時,發現都沒充到,店家也一頭霧水, 事後才發現,他給店家看的”電池電量百分比”,其實是”SD卡容量百分比”. XD


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在威尼斯我們住的是one-bedroom apt 有附小小廚房,YS已經先研究好了最近的超市在哪小小的廚房,也能變出豐盛的菜餚,真是神奇。
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還有五個人share的小浴室,熱水器竟然是儲水式的,大概兩個人洗完澡就沒熱水了要再等半小時 XD。我和YS一起睡客廳的沙發床 (不知道我晚上是不是很吵><),門外的路燈好亮,我們還想辦法找了海報紙(?) 貼在門上擋光。在離開小公寓的時候我們還藏了一個秘密的紙條在那邊的櫃子上方。 可是,紙條有拍起來嗎?? 我忘記寫什麼了~~。
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路上經過的蝸牛府Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo,原來隨便經過的一棟房子都是世界文化遺產
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為了要看夜景我們在威尼斯遇到下冰雹然後船差點被擠爆的經驗 (但是沒有夜景orz),這是後來一個晚上幾位不畏風雨的小朋友出去拍的 ,(有了前一晚的經驗  我選擇在公寓裡睡覺~~XD)。還好後來幾天還是有陽光的天氣。只是陽光歸陽光,是騙人的,還是好冷喔。

景點2 佛羅倫斯 Firenze

佛羅倫斯到處都有Botticelli的看板, 可是,我不理解的是,這位女主角,她到底是出現在哪個畫裡? 不是 Primavera , 也不是 The Birth of Venus。 (updated: 原來是 Pallas and Centaur, 她真的在Uffizi裡,是我沒看到><,原畫的陽剛跟局部的柔美的感覺,很不一樣呢!)


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烏菲茲美術館 Galleria degli Uffizi 一大早就已經大排長龍,好在一群人聊聊天時間很快就過了。看展覽之餘,走到美術館的窗戶旁邊,wow~~ view超讚~~ 可愛的舊橋在陽光下顯得更可愛。
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我們住的Proconsolo Rooms就在聖母百花教堂旁邊,轉個角就到了。
房間內部~~ 這是男生們住的房間 有夢幻的天花板和水晶燈 (但那水晶燈只有一個燈泡會亮)XD。窗戶外的街角有個街頭藝人為我們演奏優美的琴聲。
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令人幻滅的青銅野豬。自從讀了安徒生的故事”青銅野豬”之後,我的腦海中已經有了對青銅野豬的想像。  (我很愛這個故事, Christian Andersen一定也是在Florence旅行之後才寫下這麼美的故事吧),到了佛羅倫斯,當然想要看看實際上的野豬長什麼樣子。可是,看到之後好失望喔,這隻真的完全跟我的想像不一樣。就~~沒有靈氣~~ 而且,沒有水從野豬的嘴巴裡冒出來,這樣小男孩口渴的時候怎麼從野豬的嘴巴裡接水喝呢?  還有野豬他這樣坐著, 小男孩也沒辦法趴在上面夢到野豬帶他去逛美術館啊~~。(註一)  (Seattle Pike Place Market門口的大豬Rachel就可愛多了:P)
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YS在書上看到的餐廳總是很好吃又很熱門,然後餐餐都有酒 😛
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路上遇到的漂亮洋娃娃 (heart)

景點3 西恩納 Siena

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Siena著名的扇形廣場,我還記得我在這個廣場上遭到鴿子的襲擊 orz。從天而降的鴿子便便直接降落在我的頭髮上,我怎麼沒去買樂透 XD
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那時候clavin還是個憂鬱小生~~  現在卻是有子(又有女)萬事足的發福幸福爸爸 。


景點4 聖吉米尼亞諾 San Gimignano

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San Gimignano是另一個可愛的小鎮,保留了許多完整的中世紀建築
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義大利小鎮的街頭為什麼總是有氣質美女坐在那邊畫畫 😛
YS帶我們去的餐廳都好好吃,只是當時沒有Google Map,每次找餐廳都得花一番功夫。還記得義大利人超熱情,我們拿著地圖去問路,她們總是一長串的義大利文回覆我們,無奈我們一個字都聽不懂,但她們會放慢速度重複講好幾次,好像這樣我們就會聽得懂似的 XD
記得不知道在哪邊的網路上看到的句子:  “一個人旅行是幸福,和一群好朋友旅行是奢華的幸福”。現在覺得的確是這樣呢~~ 這樣的幸福不容易啊。

同場加映 安徒生 青銅野豬: 仔細描繪佛羅倫斯藝術品的童話故事

註一: 節錄青銅野豬故事裡逛美術館的那一段:
It was midnight. The Metal Pig raised himself gently, and the boy heard him say quite distinctly, “Hold tight, little boy, for I am going to run;” and away he started for a most wonderful ride.
By the Palazzo degli Uffizi, in the arcade, where the nobility assemble for the carnival, the Metal Pig stopped. “Hold fast,” said the animal; “hold fast, for I am going up stairs.”
The little boy said not a word; he was half pleased and half afraid. They entered a long gallery, where the boy had been before. The walls were resplendent with paintings; here stood statues and busts, all in a clear light as if it were day. But the grandest appeared when the door of a side room opened; the little boy could remember what beautiful things he had seen there, but to-night everything shone in its brightest colors.
我很認真的把青銅野豬裡走過的藝術品一個一個找出來了 🙂


First, they arrived at the Piazza del Granduca, and the metal horse which bears the duke’s statue, neighed aloud. The painted coats-of-arms on the old council-house shone like transparent pictures, and Michael Angelo’s David tossed his sling; it was as if everything had life. The metallic groups of figures, among which were Perseus and the Rape of the Sabines, looked like living persons, and cries of terror sounded from them all across the noble square.
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 metal horse which bears the duke’s statue, neighed aloud 大公所騎的青銅馬在大聲嘶喊
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Michael Angelo’s David tossed his sling。Rape of the Sabines, looked like living persons, and cries of terror sounded from them all across the noble square. 波斯和莎比那婦女搶奪的群像,看起來就像真的人一樣,她們發出的吶喊,迴盪在廣場上。



Perseus and Venus de’ Medici

Here stood the figure of a beautiful woman, as beautifully sculptured as possible by one of the great masters. Her graceful limbs appeared to move; dolphins sprang at her feet, and immortality shone from her eyes. The world called her the Venus de’ Medici. By her side were statues, in which the spirit of life breathed in stone; figures of men, one of whom whetted his sword, and was named the Grinder; wrestling gladiators formed another group, the sword had been sharpened for them, and they strove for the goddess of beauty.


The boy was dazzled by so much glitter; for the walls were gleaming with bright colors, all appeared living reality.
As they passed from hall to hall, beauty everywhere showed itself; and as the Metal Pig went step by step from one picture to the other, the little boy could see it all plainly. One glory eclipsed another; yet there was one picture that fixed itself on the little boy’s memory, more especially because of the happy children it represented, for these the little boy had seen in daylight.

Many pass this picture by with indifference, and yet it contains a treasure of poetic feeling; it represents Christ descending into Hades. They are not the lost whom the spectator sees, but the heathen of olden times. The Florentine, Angiolo Bronzino, painted this picture; most beautiful is the expression on the face of the two children, who appear to have full confidence that they shall reach heaven at last. They are embracing each other, and one little one stretches out his hand towards another who stands below him, and points to himself, as if he were saying, “I am going to heaven.” The older people stand as if uncertain, yet hopeful, and they bow in humble adoration to the Lord Jesus.


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Christ descending into Hades


On this picture the boy’s eyes rested longer than on any other: the Metal Pig stood still before it. A low sigh was heard. Did it come from the picture or from the animal? The boy raised his hands towards the smiling children, and then the Pig ran off with him through the open vestibule. 男孩凝視著這幅畫,久久不忍移開視線。青銅野豬就陪他站在那裡。忽然聽到嘆息的聲音,分不清是來自畫裡,或是來自青銅野豬。男孩對著畫中微笑的小孩揮揮手,野豬就開始跑了起來,很快地就穿過了大廳的走廊。
“Thank you, thank you, you beautiful animal,” said the little boy, caressing the Metal Pig as it ran down the steps.
– Hans Christian Andersen