和寶寶一起玩積木 Building Blocks with My Baby X: 霍爾的移動城堡 [2Y1M+]

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完成了 Howl’s Moving Castle (version 1) 😛

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version 2

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歪歪斜斜又雜亂無章的城堡,是不是很像霍爾的移動城堡呢 😛

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想到這裡,又想複習一下Howl’s Moving Castle。:P

“More about Howl?” Sophie thought desperately. I have to blacken his name! Her mind was such a blank that for a second it actually seemed to her that Howl had no faults at all. How stupid!

“Well, he’s fickle, careless, selfish, and hysterical,” she said.
“Half the time I think he doesn’t care what happens to anyone as long as he’s all right — But then I find out how awfully kind he’s been to someone.
Then I think he’s kind just when it suits him — only then I find out he undercharges poor people.
 I don’t know, Your Majesty. He’s a mess.”


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公園 大象 溜滑梯

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她說: 這個火車可以開嗎? 😛

以下是 小寶貝 自己完成的
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連跳跳馬,她都可以拿來玩疊疊樂 😀

疊好之後,叫媽咪來看之外,還說:”妳幫我拍照” :P
