以竹建造的奇幻世界 構築城市 2020桃園地景藝術節

以竹建造的奇幻世界 構築城市 2020桃園地景藝術節



twL catalog map 20I04 9iqzcz8m4j

雙連坡展區,其中在央大學內展出的作品, 12到18號作品比較集中在同一區域內,不需要走太遠的路就可以欣賞到很多件作品。


DJI 0096
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浮。竹 (作品18號)
藝術團隊 許倍銜 X 葉彥伯 X 謝明皓 X 林郁婷 X 曾慶芸 X 陳怡文



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《浮。竹》創作的概念是「漂浮的竹林」。以竹子做為主要的材料,作品中的竹管互相不接觸且脫離地面,希望營造出一個輕盈漂浮的意境,彷彿一片騰空而起的竹林。以 “Tensegrity” (張拉共構)做為此竹構築作品中單元的基本結構,單元彼此串聯,構成概念中的漂浮竹林。重量讓懸挑固定的作品上半部形成一個自然的曲線,單元之間允許些許的角度改變,而提供了作品上半部整體形變的空間。在自然風或人造動力的牽引之下,展現出徐緩的動態。埋藏在竹管中的動態燈光,讓作品在夜間呈現出不同於日間的表情。

作品材質:竹材、金屬件。作品尺寸:長12m x 寬8m x 高5m。

This work is titled “TensFlow,” deriving from the concept of a “floating bamboo forest.” With bamboo as the main material, the bamboo tubes in this work are interconnected neither with each other nor with the ground, aiming to create a sense of floating lightness and resembling a bamboo forest in the air. With “Tensegrity” as the basic structure in the units of this bamboo-built work, units are connected to form the floating bamboo forest in the concept. The weight of bamboo makes the upper part of the work form a natural curve and slight changes of angles between units are allowed to offer space for deformation in the upper part. Driven by natural wind or artificial forces, the work illustrates gentle dynamic. The dynamic lights hidden in the bamboo tubes further portrait a different feature of the work in the night.

Material:Bamboo, Metal parts. Dimensions:L12m x W8m x H5m



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羽翼之下 (作品16號)。 棲息在《羽翼之下》的庇護空間,放鬆品茶、感受涼風吹拂與自然光灑落。 這件作品充分發揮了竹的材質特性,運用自然的彈性形成屋頂流暢的弧度線條,其上披覆的煙燻竹片賦予溫暖的色澤,層層堆疊與細竹枝呈現出羽翼的層次感,遠觀猶如棲身草地的雁。在整體構造上,竹管以縱橫的方式排列並於頂部交疊至雙層來達成作品的尺度規格,竹管交叉處用傳統包管技法輔以綁繩來增加穩固性,並採用新式的金屬關節連接主結構與鋼構底版,強化結構安全與耐用度。半開放式的茶席空間讓空氣自然地在內部流動,請安心地卸下所有精神裝備,自在享受茶香。 作品材質:竹材、鋼、木。作品尺寸:長4.5m x 寬3.1m x 高2.3m。

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Under the Wing: Please come to enjoy a cup tea and feel the breeze blowing and sunlight shining in the sheltered space “Under the Wing”! This work makes the most advantage of the bamboo material to form a naturally curving roof with its characteristic of flexibility. Layers after layers of smoked bamboo splints covering the roof showcase a warm tone of color and form a feather-like texture. It resembles a giant goose perching on the lawn when looking from afar. In terms of the overall structure, bamboo tubes are arranged in a crisscross pattern and the top roof are built with double layers to achieve the scale of the work. The intersections of bamboo tubes are further tied up to increase the stability in addition to traditional wrapping skills. Metal joints are also used to connect the main structure and steel-made floor to reinforce the safety and durability of the building. Semi-open space enables the air to naturally flow through and allows visitors to freely enjoy a cup of tea with their minds at rest.

Material:Bamboo, Steel, Wood. Dimensions:L4.5m x W3.1m x H2.3m




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竹行動展覽館 (作品15號)


作品材質:國產孟宗竹、鐵件、帆布。作品尺寸:長12m x 寬12m x 高5.5m。




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作品材質:竹材、金屬構件。作品尺寸:長5.4m x 寬5m x 高4.9m。資料來源:桃園地景藝術節官網


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CONNECTION: This work illustrates the beauty of traditional bamboo weaving craft with the style of flowing space, thus creating a “connection” between the craft in the past and the digital space that represents the future. The weaving of free-form surface creates textures of different density and portraits a flowing space that connects and communicates between the inside and the outside as well as between the upside and the downside.

Material:Bamboo, Metals. Dimensions:L5.4m x W5m x H4.9m。


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作品材質:竹材、鐵。作品尺寸:長6.5m x 寬2.4m x 高3m 。資料來源:桃園地景藝術節官網



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這區掛著三角旗 營造出派對的感覺

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竹下鞦韆 游文富(作品19號)
認識他的作品是在 粉樂町2012的「愛麗絲的大甜甜圈」。後來在許多藝術季都有看到他的大型作品。比起在地上插滿竹籤,更喜歡這類用編織型的作品,富有奇幻色彩的雲朵鞦韆,在互動過程中,帶給觀賞者生動感受和無限想像空間。


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作品材質:竹片、竹篾、桂竹管、鞦韆。作品尺寸:長20m x 寬10m x 高5m。資料來源:桃園地景藝術節官網


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Swing Under the Bamboo: “Sense of Nature” is the aesthetic core of YU Wen-Fu’s creations. The artist holds that “human beings, as wild animals, are highly sensitive to their environment when their minds are crystal clear without any interference. However, in today’s society where sensual stimulations and human interactions overwhelm everything with the development of high technologies, human beings’ aesthetic instincts are gradually worn out.”

“Swing Under the Bamboo” is in line with YU Wen-Fu’s consistent flowing style and features such natural images as bamboo forests, clouds in the sky and flying with large amount of bamboo tubes and weaves, responding to the elegant pasture in the farm and forming a strong contrast to industrial development in the neighborhood. Entering the farm is like entering another refreshing fairyland. It is hoped that visitors can experience and grasp the transient moment of lightness and beauty in this space!

Material:Bamboo splints, Bamboo sticks, Makino bamboo tube, Swing. Dimensions:L20m x W10m x H5m


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作品材質:竹材、鋼筋、鐵線。作品尺寸:長29.2m x 寬29.2m x 高3m。資料來源:桃園地景藝術節官網

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DJI 0081
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DJI 0153
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IMG 5311
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